Drawing Challenge: Circus – Z wie Zirkus

Drawing Challenge: Circus – Z wie Zirkus

Das Thema beim Drawing challenge Zirkus weckt bei mir wunderbare Erinnerungen an meine Kindheit als ich im Zirkus war. Die vielen bunten Farben und die Spannung in der Manege und nicht zu vergessen natürlich die Clowns…

This weeks drawing challenge theme “circus” reminds me of my childhood, when we visited the circus. The wonderful colours and the tension in the manege – of course not to forget the clowns…

In Erinnerungen schwelgend ist diese Postkartencollage zum Buchstabenlernen entstanden- vielleicht der Auftakt zu einem Vintage ABC.

Remembering the old times I made this postcard collage for children to learn the ABC – perhaps the beginning of a vintage ABC series.

Hier nochmal eine wunderbare Illustration zum Thema Zirkus von Toni Wolf
Here a wonderful illustration from Toni Wolf’s book “circus”

Mehr Zirkusstimmung bei Helen
More circus atmosphere at Helen’s blog

12 thoughts on “Drawing Challenge: Circus – Z wie Zirkus

  1. well, dare i say it, you’ve got the “Z” right, now only 25 to go, or perhaps some more, in german?
    i’m looking forward to the whole bunch of ’em, because i like this here, your style!

  2. i really hope you make them all, this one is such a pleasure to look at, great choice of colors, that dotted background just perfect, xx

  3. Can’t say enough how I love this. I’d put this up on my inspiration board for certain. She is lovely and those animals! The background!! Everything about this is fabulous. I hope you do a whole alphabet series. You are brilliant!! *smiles* Norma, xo

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